Upcoming Events at
United SUpport Services

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United Support Services Human Rights Committee Meeting

The function of the USS Human Rights Committee is to protect the due process rights of people receiving supports and services. The USS Human Rights Committee reviews the following:

  • Individual rights restrictions (money management, freedom of movement, privacy) - assure that any plan that restricts rights includes a plan for restoring those rights and that all rights restrictions are time-limited

  • Restrictive behavior support plans

  • Allegations and the review of investigations of abuse, neglect and exploitation

  • Any use of psychotropic medication

  • Issues of informed consent

All Human Right Committee meetings are held virtually. If you would like to participate in one of our upcoming meeting, please reach out to our offices and we will provide you with more information.

YEarly Human Rights Meeting Dates:

January | Third Thursday of Month

April | Third Thursday of Month

July | Third Thursday of Month

October | Third Thursday of Month

United Support Services, Inc. Charlotte office

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